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This is how we roll…

The North Carolina Interscholastic Cycling League is a youth development program for 6th – 12th grade students through cycling in the great outdoors. We strive to create confident and responsible young adults and to provide them with the opportunity to learn about and participate in healthy and active lifestyles. We work to ensure that success by establishing and maintaining safe, quality youth programs around North Carolina regardless of ability level.

Everyone is welcome.
There are no cuts.
There is no bench warming.
We ride.

Build character, encourage leadership and change lives through mountain biking. Have massive amounts of fun rolling down amazing trails all over NC!

Can’t find one nearby? Start one!

Looking for another way to get involved?

Become a Coach!

You can get involved today by becoming a NICA coach. No prior coaching experience is required and all ability levels are welcome. Be a positive change in the lives of children!

Help us get #morekidsonbikes

League News

League Sponsors
Podium Wear
Cognative MTB Industry Nine Ridge Supply Fidlock
Cutaway Bike Camp Constellation Cycling